A Bee-rilliant Adventure! Join Billy Bumble as he shrinks down to bee-size and learns about the troubles that they face.
Featuring spell-binding puppetry and a giant honeycomb set, join us for a whirlwind ride avoiding grumpy Mr Fred and the gaping jaws of Shredder the dog! Buzz finishes with the audience being given wildflower seeds to plant and help our black and yellow friends to flourish. The show includes a playful look at scale (think micro-scale for major fun) and some light-hearted audience engagement, giving the audience a chance to see things from a Bees-eye-view. Featuring a blend of puppetry (large-scale and table-top), captivating music and bright, colourful visuals, Buzz is a chance for families to learn about the importance of Bees in our ecosystem and what we can all do at home to help them thrive.
Talking to the Box Office...