Devious Dolphins
Devious Dolphins is a comedy walkabout show created by the team who brought us Treefellas. Two actors dressed in giant Dolphin costumes equipped with some special effects such as hidden water sprays, communicate nonverbally through whistle sounds and water spraying.
Highly intelligent and naughty, these mammals show off their tricks and also reverse the relationship between human and animal – they will tame their public, make audience members jump through hoops and catch them in their big nets.
Devious Dolphins is a very playful and interactive performance piece which gently satirises the relationship of humans with nature. The Dophin couple also have a dolphin hand puppet which will help to connect with very young children. The Dolphins become the trainers rewarding the humans with a mobile phone or giant fake bank notes at the end of the stick.
Environmental issues will lie underneath all the comedic playfulness without ever trying to teach or making an issue-based piece. Darker scenes include the Dolphins fighting with rubbish and oil sheets. By seeing these vulnerable sea creatures on land, we hopefully raise awareness in a subtle way and make the audience laugh at the same time. Commissioned by Applause